Parish Councils To Clean Roads & Toilets

According to Somerset Live; keeping Somerset’s streets and public toilets clean could become the responsibility of town and parish councils as bankrupt LibDem controlled Somerset Council seeks to cut costs. The council faces a financial emergency and has to make savings so it wants to devolve responsibility for them to town and parish councils, which could lead to further rises in council tax bills.

Several town and parish councils have already expressed an interest in taking over responsibility but if these services are devolved to town and parish councils, the cost will have to be met through their local budgets, with any rise in cost being met by an increase in their share of the council tax precept.

Unlike Somerset Council, town and parish councils have no maximum limit on how much they can raise their council tax by in a given year.

Another LibDem catastrophe in Somerset. Don’t vote for them again! Join UKIP and help us to get rid of them.

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