Become a UKIP Supporter

UKIP has taken on the entire political and media establishment before and we have won! 

With your support, we can do it again. 

We need your help to remove overpaid, over-promoted MPs from Westminster and to bring a breath of fresh air to our local councils by getting our genuinely passionate local candidates elected to stand up for you. 

We are a small party and we have limited resources to fight elections, unlike the well heeled establishment parties which have huge donors and very deep pockets.

We can’t afford to hire staff so we rely on willing local volunteers to help us with our local campaigns and background work.

If you are willing to support us, we can put your skills to good use in the constituencies and councils of Bath & Somerset.

 Here are a few ways that you can help:

  • Sign nomination papers for our candidates who need signatures from local residents who are on the electoral roll as soon as an election is announced. 
  • Deliver our local candidates’ leaflets to local people. This is a big job and our candidates really need your support.
  • Talk to local voters. This is important to getting out our unambiguous message of hope for a better future. The more people we can reach the better.
  • Help with street stalls. These help us to speak to the public and spread our message.
  • Display a window poster or a board outside your home.
  • Help with a variety of background tasks, which need volunteers.

Will you become a UKIP supporter? We can always find a place for new volunteers, and there is no charge or obligation for becoming a supporter.

Wherever you live in the Bath and Somerset area; if you are willing to support us, please fill in this form so that we can contact you when we need help.  

We may use the details you provide in accordance with our privacy policy. We will keep you up to date by email and we may contact you occasionally by telephone or text message. You can exercise your rights and withdraw your consent to future communications by contacting us or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the foot of our emails.

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