
Every donation helps UKIP Bath and Somerset to fight back against the political elite, the green agenda, the culture wars and mass uncontrolled immigration. 

Unlike the rich, establishment parties, UKIP gets no donations from big business or the socialist trade unions. As Bath and Somerset branch is a self-financing unit, it is up to us to raise our own local funds. The more money that comes in locally, the better we can campaign in the Bath and Somerset constituencies.

Will you donate to UKIP in Bath and Somerset? We can do so much more with the support of local people or small and medium enterprises who share our political values and want us to succeed.

We add all donations we receive to our local fighting fund. Our activists are local volunteers and they give their time freely but we still need money to advertise, to help us stand candidates in local and national elections, for election deposits and to communicate UKIP’s message.

Your donation will help us to:

  • Print and circulate leaflets
  • Book rooms for meetings
  • Buy essential campaign equipment
  • Hold public meetings and events
  • Run campaigns for local and general elections
  • Pay for our internet services


We are grateful for all donations large and small. Every little helps! We have made donating to UKIP Bath and Somerset as simple as possible and a contribution of any sum would be very much appreciated.

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Pictured above is the gazebo we bought at a cost of around £600. You can be sure that any donation you make would not be wasted.

By making a donation, you know that your money will be spent on UKIP’s activities within the Bath and Somerset constituencies. 

We’re happy to receive donations that are affordable for you but if you have any questions, please contact our Branch Treasurer at: who will be happy to help.

UKIP is a registered political party. Donations to political parties, including sponsorship, are regulated by the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000. All donations to our Branch are received and recorded in accordance with the regulations set down by the Electoral Commission. By making a donation to the Branch you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK, and that this donation is not made for or on behalf of any other person. Anybody can donate up to £500 in any one calendar year but we can only accept donations over £500 from permissible donors. Individuals must be on the electoral register in the UK excluding the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man in order to make a donation in excess of £500. To make a donation above £500 please contact us as we will need to ensure that the criteria are met. We are required to report donations to the Branch totalling more than £1,500 in any calendar year to the Electoral Commission who, may publish the fact that you donated to us. The name and address of the donor and the amount of the donation will be published on the Electoral Commission website. Addresses of individuals are not published. More information is available on the Electoral Commission’s website

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