Have Your Say!

If you live or work in the Bath & Somerset area and would like to tell us about your concerns and priorities, you can have your say here.

  Roads & Transport
Do you travel by train, bus, car or bike in the Bath & Somerset area? What could be done to improve your journeys? Are you concerned about potholes or road works?  Are you worried about service cuts? Have you seen a damaged or dirty road sign? Do you suffer from noise pollution or problems with out of area traffic moving to and from Bristol airport?
  Recycling, Rubbish and Waste
What is your experience of the recycling, rubbish and waste services in the Bath & Somerset area? Are you happy with your council’s bin collection services?
Are you concerned about the threat of large-scale new developments in our area? Are you concerned about the effect of new developments on the rural environment or loss of green spaces here? Are you concerned about wind or solar farms springing up in our area?
Would you like to see more starter homes for young people, affordable housing or sheltered housing for the elderly in Bath & Somerset? What needs to  be done to improve housing supply for local people in our area?
  Crime and Policing
Have you been a victim of crime or anti-social behaviour in Bath & Somerset? What do you think of policing in our area? Are you concerned about policing cuts and police stations closing?  Would you like to see more police on the beat or PCSOs in your town or village?
  Health Services
What is your experience of hospitals, health centres and GP practices in Bath & Somerset? Are you concerned about any aspect of health services, hospital transport or parking?
  Services for the Elderly
Is there sufficient local service provision for the elderly, or people needing special care?  What should be done in Bath & Somerset to improve them?
  Education and Youth Services
What is your experience of our local schools and youth services? What should be done to improve them? Do you support the provision of grammar schools or technical colleges in Bath & Somerset?

UKIP Bath & Somerset wants to hear the views of local people and local businesses.

By submitting this form, you consent to UK Independence Party, Bath and Somerset Branch holding and recording your details. You can read more about how we process information in our Privacy Policy

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