Our Priorities for Bath & Somerset

Priorities Somerset



Our local council has a duty to respect the interests of local residents and not capitulate to the interests of big business or big government.  We understand the concerns and distress caused to residents by continual changes to and ever reducing public services. We would seek the consent of local people to changes, and not simply impose them.  We would give priority to local residents for housing, education, health and social services. In planning, we would respect the opinion of local residents, and we not over-rule them


We believe in real devolution and real local decision-making. We will provide incentives to encourage local enterprise; attract local jobs and re-invigorate our local town centres and local high streets. We will fight to save our rural countryside and green spaces and will not cover them with concrete to become an overflow for overcrowded cities. We believe it is important to ensure that local residents and service veterans should always come first in the allocation of social housing in Bath & Somerset.


In Bath & Somerset, we still suffer from an unacceptable level of crime and anti-social behaviour. We aim to overhaul systems to make sentences meaningful; rehabilitate offenders; deport foreign criminals; free our Police from excessive form filling; tackle nuisance neighbours and anti-social behaviour. In short, we will fight to make our communities safe places in which we can feel proud to work and live.


The UK has been wasting massive amounts of money. Much of our huge Foreign Aid budget has not been reaching genuine causes such as a need for drinking water, inoculations or disaster relief.  Our priority is to focus future spending on domestic needs such as home care for the elderly; the most vulnerable; public services; health care; policing and run-down roads


Housing, education, health and social services cannot cope with constantly rising numbers of people coming to live and work in Bath & Somerset. Our council gives insufficient thought to the lack of new services, infrastructure and jobs needed to support the influx of new people moving into our area to occupy new houses. Our councillors will strictly control new house building which is destroying good farmland and the rural green belt and which is causing much of northern Somerset to merge with Bristol in one massive urban sprawl. 


We believe in direct democracy and the ability of local residents to know what’s best for our community.  We would give voters more power and would submit major decisions to binding local referendums, if local residents ask for them. We believe in respecting the hopes and desires of local people. By electing UK Independence Party Councillors in Bath & Somerset, you will take the vital first step towards restoring the rights of local people within our community

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The establishment parties have let you down but the UK Independence Party is here to fight for our local community

Why not have your say? You can fill out our Local Priorities Questionnaire here

By voting for the UK Independence Party in Bath & Somerset, you will get a conscientious, dedicated MP or Councillor who wants to make a difference

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Have Your Say!

Hys Somerset

If you live or work in the Bath & Somerset area and would like to tell us about your concerns and priorities, you can have your say here.

  Roads & Transport
Do you travel by train, bus, car or bike in the Bath & Somerset area? What could be done to improve your journeys? Are you concerned about potholes or road works?  Are you worried about service cuts? Have you seen a damaged or dirty road sign? Do you suffer from noise pollution or problems with out of area traffic moving to and from Bristol airport?
  Recycling, Rubbish and Waste
What is your experience of the recycling, rubbish and waste services in the Bath & Somerset area? Are you happy with your council’s bin collection services?
Are you concerned about the threat of large-scale new developments in our area? Are you concerned about the effect of new developments on the rural environment or loss of green spaces here? Are you concerned about wind or solar farms springing up in our area?
Would you like to see more starter homes for young people, affordable housing or sheltered housing for the elderly in Bath & Somerset? What needs to  be done to improve housing supply for local people in our area?
  Crime and Policing
Have you been a victim of crime or anti-social behaviour in Bath & Somerset? What do you think of policing in our area? Are you concerned about policing cuts and police stations closing?  Would you like to see more police on the beat or PCSOs in your town or village?
  Health Services
What is your experience of hospitals, health centres and GP practices in Bath & Somerset? Are you concerned about any aspect of health services, hospital transport or parking?
  Services for the Elderly
Is there sufficient local service provision for the elderly, or people needing special care?  What should be done in Bath & Somerset to improve them?
  Education and Youth Services
What is your experience of our local schools and youth services? What should be done to improve them? Do you support the provision of grammar schools or technical colleges in Bath & Somerset?

UKIP Bath & Somerset wants to hear the views of local people and local businesses.

By submitting this form, you consent to UK Independence Party, Bath and Somerset Branch holding and recording your details. You can read more about how we process information in our Privacy Policy

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Elections in Bath & Somerset

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UKIP Bath and Somerset branch campaigns in all the parliamentary constituencies in the ceremonial county of Somerset:

From the next General Election we will have eleven constituencies across the County. Some are new seats and some are named similarly to the previous ones (but some boundary differences may still exist).

  • Bath 
  • Bridgwater – Bridgwater, Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge
  • Frome and East Somerset – Frome, Midsomer Norton and Radstock
  • Glastonbury and Somerton – Glastonbury, Somerton, Castle Cary, Langport, Street and Wincanton
  • North East Somerset and Hanham – Keynsham plus some parts of South Gloucestershire to the west of Bath
  • Somerset North – Portishead, Clevedon
  • Taunton and Wellington – Taunton, Wellington, Norton Fitzwarren and Staplegrove
  • Tiverton and Minehead – Minehead, Watchet and Williton, Hinkley Point C plus Tiverton across the Devon border
  • Wells and Mendip Hills – Wells, Axbridge, Cheddar, Shepton Mallet and Yatton
  • Weston-super-Mare 
  • Yeovil – Yeovil, Chard, Crewkerne and Ilminster

Our role is to coordinate local campaigning activity, to nominate and stand candidates for election as members of Parliament, to build up our party and to carry out administrative functions for our party in the eleven constituencies.

The UK Independence Party has a track-record of electoral success in Bath and Somerset.

In the 2015 General Election, UK Independence Party candidate Stephen Fitzgerald took second place in Bridgwater and West Somerset with 19.2% of the vote ahead of Labour and the LibDems. In North Somerset Ian Kealey took third place with 13% of the vote ahead of the LibDems. In Somerton and Frome Alan Dimmick took third place with 10.7% ahead of the Greens and Labour. In Taunton Deane Laura Bailhache took third place on 12% ahead of Labour, and Greens. In Wells, Helen Hims took third place on 9.9% ahead of Labour and Greens. In Yeovil Simon Smedley took third place on 13.4% ahead of Labour and Greens. In North East Somerset Ernest Blaber took third place on 12% ahead of the LibDem candidate (Wera Hobhouse).


UKIP Bath and Somerset branch campaigns in the three unitary local authorities within the ceremonial county of Somerset

  • Bath & North East Somerset
  • North Somerset
  • Somerset Council

Our role is to coordinate local campaigning activity, to nominate and stand candidates for election as councillors, to build up our party and to carry out administrative functions for our party in our local authorities.

The UK Independence Party has a track-record of success in Somerset local elections.

In 2015; Richard Scammel was elected in Sedgemoor (Bridgwater Dunwear Ward) with an 18.8% vote share and Lorna Corke in Highbridge & Burnham Marine Ward with 10.9% (both UK Independence Party gains).

Ivor Jones was elected as a UK Independence Party Councillor for Minehead Central from 2015 to 2019 on West Somerset District Council.

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Stand as a UKIP Candidate

Stand Somerset

If you feel passionately about local issues, if you long for a return to common sense politics and if you support UKIP’s aims and objectives why not apply to stand for us in Bath and Somerset?

Our Branch selects candidates to stand here, for parliamentary and local council elections and we always want to meet prospective new candidates.

To stand for a local authority or a town council you must live or work in the relevant council area. There is no such restriction to stand as a member of parliament in any of our constituencies. 

Prospective candidates must adhere to a high standard of personal conduct and behaviour and comply with our party rules at all times.

If you become a party member; if you subscribe to our values, if you would like us to consider you as a local candidate, and if you feel you have what it takes, please complete this form to get in touch.  

We may use the details you provide in accordance with our privacy policy. We will keep you up to date by email and may contact you occasionally by telephone. You can exercise your rights and withdraw your consent to future communications by contacting us.

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Donate Somerset

Every donation helps UKIP Bath and Somerset to fight back against the political elite, the green agenda, the culture wars and mass uncontrolled immigration. 

Unlike the rich, establishment parties, UKIP gets no donations from big business or the socialist trade unions. As Bath and Somerset branch is a self-financing unit, it is up to us to raise our own local funds. The more money that comes in locally, the better we can campaign in the Bath and Somerset constituencies.

Will you donate to UKIP in Bath and Somerset? We can do so much more with the support of local people or small and medium enterprises who share our political values and want us to succeed.

We add all donations we receive to our local fighting fund. Our activists are local volunteers and they give their time freely but we still need money to advertise, to help us stand candidates in local and national elections, for election deposits and to communicate UKIP’s message.

Your donation will help us to:

  • Print and circulate leaflets
  • Book rooms for meetings
  • Buy essential campaign equipment
  • Hold public meetings and events
  • Run campaigns for local and general elections
  • Pay for our internet services


We are grateful for all donations large and small. Every little helps! We have made donating to UKIP Bath and Somerset as simple as possible and a contribution of any sum would be very much appreciated.

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Pictured above is the gazebo we bought at a cost of around £600. You can be sure that any donation you make would not be wasted.

By making a donation, you know that your money will be spent on UKIP’s activities within the Bath and Somerset constituencies. 

We’re happy to receive donations that are affordable for you but if you have any questions, please contact our Branch Treasurer at: treasurer@bathandsomersetukip.org.uk who will be happy to help.

UKIP is a registered political party. Donations to political parties, including sponsorship, are regulated by the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000. All donations to our Branch are received and recorded in accordance with the regulations set down by the Electoral Commission. By making a donation to the Branch you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK, and that this donation is not made for or on behalf of any other person. Anybody can donate up to £500 in any one calendar year but we can only accept donations over £500 from permissible donors. Individuals must be on the electoral register in the UK excluding the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man in order to make a donation in excess of £500. To make a donation above £500 please contact us as we will need to ensure that the criteria are met. We are required to report donations to the Branch totalling more than £1,500 in any calendar year to the Electoral Commission who, may publish the fact that you donated to us. The name and address of the donor and the amount of the donation will be published on the Electoral Commission website. Addresses of individuals are not published. More information is available on the Electoral Commission’s website

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Become a UKIP Supporter

Active Somerset

UKIP has taken on the entire political and media establishment before and we have won! 

With your support, we can do it again. 

We need your help to remove overpaid, over-promoted MPs from Westminster and to bring a breath of fresh air to our local councils by getting our genuinely passionate local candidates elected to stand up for you. 

We are a small party and we have limited resources to fight elections, unlike the well heeled establishment parties which have huge donors and very deep pockets.

We can’t afford to hire staff so we rely on willing local volunteers to help us with our local campaigns and background work.

If you are willing to support us, we can put your skills to good use in the constituencies and councils of Bath & Somerset.

 Here are a few ways that you can help:

  • Sign nomination papers for our candidates who need signatures from local residents who are on the electoral roll as soon as an election is announced. 
  • Deliver our local candidates’ leaflets to local people. This is a big job and our candidates really need your support.
  • Talk to local voters. This is important to getting out our unambiguous message of hope for a better future. The more people we can reach the better.
  • Help with street stalls. These help us to speak to the public and spread our message.
  • Display a window poster or a board outside your home.
  • Help with a variety of background tasks, which need volunteers.

Will you become a UKIP supporter? We can always find a place for new volunteers, and there is no charge or obligation for becoming a supporter.

Wherever you live in the Bath and Somerset area; if you are willing to support us, please fill in this form so that we can contact you when we need help.  

We may use the details you provide in accordance with our privacy policy. We will keep you up to date by email and we may contact you occasionally by telephone or text message. You can exercise your rights and withdraw your consent to future communications by contacting us or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the foot of our emails.

Join Us!


Application for Membership

Are you unhappy with the way your country is going?

Are you unhappy with the way your council is being run?

If you share our libertarian values, want  to help us take back control of our country and want to help us campaign for better government and better local services why not join us today? 

If you are not yet a UKIP member you can take the first step now and join us on-line here. 

Standard Membership 

Reduced Membership for under 25s and Members/Veterans of Armed Forces 

If you are an existing member and just want to renew, please renew on-line here.

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